Settings: Quick AI settings now update correctly after syncing changes.AI Commands: Hotkeys and aliases should now sync correctly for built-in commands.AI Chat: Performance improvements when loading the chat actions menu.AI Chat: Chats are now saved correctly after running an Ask AI command.AI Chat: Fixed an issue where the chat would jump to the bottom when completing.Performance: Improved performance for opening Raycast after pressing the hotkey.Export: We no longer included app metadata in the rayconfig file when Settings export is disabled.Hovering the error provides more information about the issue. Dynamic Placeholders: Parsing errors are now highlighted inline.AI Chat: Added a Clear Chat action to clear all messages in the current chat.It's just a small quality of life improvement. This highlighting helps you to identify if your original text has been corrected. The Fix Spelling and Grammar AI Command has been subtly updated and now highlights the changes it has made. AI Chat: PageUp and PageDown now work correctly.Settings: Fixed bug regarding Raycast not launching at Login.

Window Switcher: Remove duplicate entries.AI: Improved auto-scrolling behavior to prevent messages from being hidden during response generation.AI: Added scroll to bottom button in Quick AI and AI Chat.AI-Commands: Built-in commands now use gpt-3.5-turbo model with up to 16k context.Snippets: Increase Snippets keywords limit to 30 characters.The small size is more compact, and the large size has been refined. Emoji & Symbols: Updated the grid layout.Flight Tracker: Terminal info is now displayed in the flight tracker detail view.