Minecraft shrinking mod 1.12.2
Minecraft shrinking mod 1.12.2

Once your structure is shrunken, you can pick it up, drop it somewhere, and throw a grow disc at it to enlarge it again. To actually shrink something, you need 10.000 FE (Forge Energy) and 1000mb (milli buckets) Shrink-Pym-Particles. You can éither use the furnacé generator from LucraftCoré ánd put it next tó it, or yóu use one óf the many énergy mods that suppórt Forges energy systém. Player Shrinking Mod 1.12.2 Generator From LucraftCoré Structure Shrinker Thé structure shrunker bIock lets you seIect an aréa which you wánt to shrink ánd transport. Once you gót the fluids, yóu can fill thém into yóur suit, put thém in buckets tó craft discs ór to transfer thém into structure shrinkérs. Player Shrinking Mod 1.12.2 Mod Namé PymTech Player Shrinking Mod 1.12.2 Generator From LucraftCoré.Player Shrinking Mod 1.12.2 Mod Namé PymTech.If(player.getHeldItem(hand).getItem() instanceof ItemBucket&!player.isCreative()) Public void increaseLavaCount(EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand) Logger.getGlobal().warning("AUMENTO DE AGUAA "+this.waterValue) tHeldItem(hand, new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)) If(player.getHeldItem(hand).getItem() instanceof ItemBucket &!player.isCreative()) Public void increaseWaterCount(EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand) Private int numPlayersUsing, boolean hasFastRenderer() Private int currentWaterValue, currentLavaValue Private NonNullList blockContents = NonNullList.withSize(16, ItemStack.EMPTY) Public class TileEntityFluidContainer extends TileEntityLockableLoot implements ITickable Import _.container.ContainerFluidContainer Newmodel.lavaY = Math.round(te.lavaValue / 10) Newmodel.waterY = Math.round(te.waterValue / 10) ModelFluidContainer newmodel = new ModelFluidContainer(Math.round(te.waterValue / 10), Math.round(te.lavaValue / 10)) Public void render(TileEntityFluidContainer te, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage, float alpha)

minecraft shrinking mod 1.12.2

Public class ModelFluidContainer extends ModelBase Now i tried add the rescaling values to my model constructor, and now model doesnt even render in world. Untill this, model was rendering in the world, in the correct place and etc. I have already tried creating variables into model and change it externally, but failed. I was wondering to rescale a cube from this model according to a value provided by the TileEntity. So, In first of all, I'm not newer to Java and also to programming, but i dont have too much experience with forge. Well I'm having a little problem to TESR and Java Models

Minecraft shrinking mod 1.12.2